Super Easy Sour Cream Cake


I know that I have mentioned before how much I adore Dorie Greenspan’s blog.  She is a celebrated cookbook author primarily based in Paris, France and her specialty is desserts; Greenspan regularly writes for Bon Appetit and Parade.  She recently ran a post about a simple, versatile Sour Cream Loaf Cake.

I am a very big fan of quick and easy.  I also love desserts that can be pulled together with pantry items.  This recipe certainly fits the bill.  Greenspan suggests pairing it with chocolate sauce.  Fresh or canned fruit would also work nicely, as well as a spoonful of thick yogurt, ice cream or whipped cream.  I might add that this cake is perfectly declicious on its own (OK, OK, I admit it: A slice of this cake made for a lovely breakfast alongside some good coffee.  Besides, cake is always a wonderful way to start the day).

Whisk together some of the dry ingredients.

Mix together the wet ingredients (minus the oil) and the sugar.

Group shot 🙂

For the recipe click here.

Two bowls and a loaf pan equals easy peasy, super vanilla yum!

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