Kitty’s Blueberry Lime Jam


We have got a bad case of the “summer is ending soon” blues in our house, trying to cram in as many trips to the beach and pool as is humanly possible before school starts next Wednesday (eek).

The only other blues around here come in the form of berries.  Despite the crazy weather this summer, lots of rain followed by lots of humid heat, blueberries are flourishing.  Many thanks to Kitty Broihier for the gift of blueberry lime jam and for the beauty shots of her jam.

This particular jam is especially yummy; the pairing of blueberries and lime really works.  Some homemade jams can be cloyingly sweet. In this batch, the lime notes brighten the berry flavor and tone down the sweetness, fabulous on toast or swirled into yogurt.

Art & Photo by Lollie

Blueberry-Lime Jam from the Ball Blue Book of Canning


4 1/2 cups blueberries (wild, low bush blueberries are best for jam)
1 package powdered pectin (see Note)
5 cups sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons grated lime peel
1/3 cup lime juice


Crush blueberries with a potato masher, releasing juice but retaining some texture. In a large saucepot, combine crushed blueberries and pectin. Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Add sugar, stirring until dissolved. Stir in grated lime peel and lime juice. Return to a rolling boil, and boil hard 1 minute or until the mixture thickens and sheets from a spoon. Remove pot from the heat and ladle hot jam into hot jars, leaving a 1/4-inch headspace. Hand-tighten two-piece caps. Process 15 minutes in a boiling-water canner.

Note: If you use low- or no-sugar pectin, you can use the amount of sugar you want. I suggest 2 to 3 cups for a not-too-sweet jam.

Makes 6 half pints.


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