Tag Archives | Picky Eaters

Broccoli “Pesto”


As we are in seasonal transition, it is decidedly colder here in Colorado. My tastes have been for heartier fare.  Here is a recipe to excite you about broccoli. As luck would have it, broccoli is the one vegetable that my most finicky eater like.  Of course the other two only “tolerate” it.  This dinner was a huge hit with […]

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Vegetarian Turkey?


I have a vegetarian son who is looking forward to Thanksgiving because he can have Quorn roast. Never mind that he has these products every week, as it is a great source of protein for him.  Made from a myco-protein (meaning it’s derived from mushrooms, but they don’t taste anything like mushrooms) Quorn products are soy-free. […]

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Pomegranates, Clementines and Red Pears, Oh My!


Have you ever noticed that the Fall fruit basket resembles the colorful foliage that marks the season?  I love Fall fruits for eating out of hand and for making desserts.  Clementines are a perfect little lunch box stuffer, not to mention their health boosting properties (vitamin C, fiber,quercertin).  A good, juicy pear needs little promotion and […]

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Applesauce Cake


‘Tis the season for apples; I have been seeing several references to applesauce cake and wondered about its origins. A quick review at my cookbook shelf, and it seems that applesauce cake has its origins in the Southern states and it is usually made around the holidays. Most recipes I saw were studded with dried fruits and nuts which made […]

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“Taco Night” has been improved!


Here is a new product that belongs to the "Why did they not think of this sooner club?"  Taco shells that stand up so that they are easier to fill: Brilliant!  Tacos are a much loved dinner in our home.  My children enjoy them because they get to be 100% in charge of what is on their plates.  "Taco Night" is […]

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Easy Apples


This is another of my favorite gizmo’s: I got this apple peeling gadget from L.L. Bean many years ago when I was first married.  I get so many comments from people, especially kids, who come into my kitchen to visit.  While it may seem ridiculous to have something that just peels apples, it is really useful for […]

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Easy, Pleasing Meatloaf


We like meatloaf of all varieties because it is easy to put together, budget-friendly and pretty darn tasty.  Personally, I am a big fan of the leftover meatloaf sandwich.  When I saw this 5-ingredient recipe in a women’s magazine, I thought to myself that it was too easy and too simple to possibly taste good.  Well, […]

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Potato Harvest 2008


My seven year old son, Maverick*, grew potatoes this year.  For two years, he has been a single crop farmer.  Last year, he grew corn in his 3×4 foot patch of earth.  Planting seed potatoes was fun:  Prep the soil.  Make little mounds.  Insert seed potatoes.  Water and watch for potato worms.  Harvest (late summer/early fall).  […]

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Lunchbox Chronicles: Rice Crispy Treats


     Every September, the struggle begins.  I am not talking about spelling lists, multiplication tables or strict bedtimes.  I am talking about school lunch.  More specifically, what is going to fill the lunch boxes that belong to my children?  I find packing lunches to be a big challenge.  I want the contents to be nourishing, to […]

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