Anyone can cook, even a rat!


As our first foray into the "Food Flicks" file of Flavorista, I have to mention Ratatouille as one of my favorite food movies.  While watching it again, my 5 year old daughter came up to me and said that when she bites into fresh mozzarella, she sees "snow topped mountains."  This is reminiscent of a terrific moment in the movie when Remy, a French rat who longs to be a chef, tastes individual foods and experiences a singular sensation.  When he combines one food with a contrasting food (think cheese and grapes), Remy experiences a symphony of textures and flavors.

I really adore this movie and it is not just a kids movie, but a foodie movie. Here is tidbit of fact: Thomas Keller of The French Laundry was a consultant on the movie and actually created the ratatouille recipe for the movie.  I also must confess that the "Ratatouille, Roasted & Reconstructed" post in early September was loosley inspired by this wonderful "Food Flick."

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