Five Questions with Carleen Haylett


Carleen Haylett is the founder of La Pentola di Rame a unique company bringing top Italian chefs to America to share the culture and traditions of their regional specialties. After spending almost two years working and studying as a chef in Italy, she became determined to bring her experiences with the food and the culture of Italy back to the US.

What is your latest project?
La Pentola di Rame which brings the Italian experience to American epicureans through our visiting chef programs. Participants have the opportunity to interact closely with Italy’s best chefs while experiencing the incredible culture and cuisine right here in America. La Pentola di Rame hosts culinary courses, supper club dinners and private events with chefs that hail from Michelin-Starred and 5-star properties.

What is the one food or beverage ingredient that you cannot live without?
Roma plum tomatoes. I eat them every day for breakfast with a bit of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.

Who is your mentor, professionally or personally?
Right now I would say it is Chef Giuseppe Mancino of the Michelin-Star restaurant Il Piccolo Principe in Viareggio, Italy. I had the honor of working for him while I was in Italy and learned so much. He is so young and so talented and has such a kind and gentle spirit which inspired me every day.

What is your favorite food memory from childhood?
My mother used to make up elaborate special Italian dinners for family celebrations complete with printed menus and historical background on each dish. It was always a big production that took days to prepare but they were so much fun and the food was always outstanding. My father swears there is Italian blood in our family tree but the reality is there isn’t.

What would be your ultimate meal?
I’m a simple creature. Anything that involves lots of laughter, good friends, good food and good wine makes me a happy girl. Oh and preferably Italy is in there somewhere too.

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