Holiday Gift Ideas to Savor, Part 1


If you did not exhaust yourself shopping on The Hunger Site, we have many more ideas for the flavorista on your list. For the loose leaf tea lover, try the Aladdin insulated travel mug with infuser. This is my new favorite way to enjoy tea, The basket flips up into the lid by way of […]

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Shark’s Fin and Sichaun Pepper Indeed!


Fuchsia Dunlop’s memoir is the best way to vicariously travel through China. Dunlop spent years exploring many of China’s provinces and has written several cookbooks, articles and even has a blog. I heartily recommend this fascinating culinary trip through many of China’s provinces. Dunlop was the first foreigner to ever attend the Sichuan Institute of […]

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Impending Frost: Time for Pesto


It is official, frost may happen this weekend.  Leave in the kale and root veggies, harvest your basil!  When you have got oodles of basil on your counter making the whole house smell like a Sicilian garden, it is time to make pesto. Photo by Ali Sundik Tried and True Pesto Recipe Adapted from Marcella Hazan’s […]

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Birthday Peach Cobbler


In Japan, a momo is a little peach. My husband, Mo, is a big peach, sweet and mellow and, well yes, he has a big, loving, juicy personality! Here in Colorado we have an amazing peach season which usually goes right into October. Some of the best peaches are from the western slope of the […]

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Portuguese Primer


Recently, I was lucky enough to work on an assignment for fresh magazine about Portuguese cooking.  I interviewed Ana Ortins, an expert on the cuisine of Portugal. My first experience with Portuguese specialties was in the early 90’s.  I was managing Turner Fisheries in the Westin Hotel, Boston and my PM bus staff was principally Portuguese.  How I miss […]

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Puff Perfected


In Boulder we finish school earlier than most kids in the U.S. Tomorrow is our final PTA meeting and I decided to host it with tipples and nibbles. A perfect opportunity to try a recipe from Martha Holmberg’s new book Puff – 50 Flaky, Crunchy, Delicious Appetizers, Entrees and Desserts made with Puff Pastry.  Holmberg is […]

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A World of Dumplings


Brian Yarvin set out on a quest to compile 100 dumpling recipes from around the globe. I wish I had this book during Chinese New Year. From reading his book and making the Turkish manti, I have discovered that it really pays off to make the dough fresh. You can use the wrappers from the store, […]

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The Fortune Cookie Chronicles


     I love Chinese food. Growing up in New York we would make monthly excursions to China town for memorable banquets. Living in San Francisco years later, I really started to learn about how incredible Chinese cusine is. I picked up this book a the IACP conference and have really enjoyed reading it. Written by Jennifer 8 Lee […]

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day – Recipe Round Up


Since everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, we thought we highlight some Irish gastronomic gems:   Kerrygold Colcannon (Potatoes and Cabbage). Kerrygold butter and cheeses are available at many grocery stores.  The milk of grass fed cows makes the best butter and there certainly is lots of green pasture in Ireland.  If you are […]

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The Sharper Your Knife, The Less You Cry


Flavorista Kitty gave me this culinary coming of age book for my birthday.  I devoured it in less than a week, which is a pretty gigantic accomplishment around here, as the majority of books I get through from cover to cover are on CD, in the car stereo. Kathleen Flinn’s memoir is a very easy […]

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